Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A belly rub......

Wow, been too long since I've posted anything here. Let's see...what has gone on...oh yea, that's right,,,hubby has had two surgeries within 6 weeks of each other. He was recovering from emergency appendectomy when he started having pain in right upper side and his back. On the check up for the appendectomy we mentioned this to the doctor. He pulled his initial CT scan they took for the appendix finding a gall stone located at the opening of his gall bladder....week and half later, gall bladder surgery!!!
I had asked the doctors how long should his surgery be. They said about an hour. As you sit in the waiting room, you watch the clock. One hour and no doctor. The hostess of the waiting room came over to let me know the doctors were still working on him and he was doing fine. My heart kinda skipped a beat. I thought...uh oh....don't like the sound of this.
Another hour....what is going on????? Finally I look up and there is the doctor. He is motioning for me to come to the "private room" heart skips about 4 beats then. They ran into a complication but everything turned out just fine. My hubby has recovered very well. We actually went to the doctor this afternoon which gave him the "all clear"!!! God is good!!

Oh to have the life of a be worries right? Free food and water, treats, someone to rub your belly, a soft blanket on the couch to sleep on...sleep and play...what a life!!!

If I had no worries I wouldn't have grey hair!!! LOL!!

I would not have grown and matured in my walk with the Lord like I have this past two years. I would not be more in love with Jesus like I have. I would not have seen the miracles in my life like I have seen. My faith has been stretched and stretched and stretched. And I'm sure there are more bumps in the road ahead.
But the best part is will be to see what God will do in my life and in me to get me thru and over those bumps!!
It is a quiet knowing that the Lord does have everything in His control and it will all be alright no matter what the outcome is.

It says in the Word to count it all joy when we have various trials...because those various trials bring a maturing of our faith.

It still would be nice to have a dog's life for a week or two....a nice belly rub....ah.......that would be good.


  1. Anney, just stopping by to see you! Glad dh is all mended and good to go!

    With our trials, we should be pretty strong, huh?

    Love you, Sis!

  2. I'm so glad that you're writing again - have missed reading your posts! Love ya and you're always in my prayers. Praying for you and your family.

  3. I'm rediscovering this week that trials do bring you closer to Jesus!
