Saturday, January 23, 2010


Anney is a gentle, kind, loving dog. Never mean nor aggressive. In fact she's never growled at any of us, ever.

Well...there have been a few times she changes into the most aggressive dog I've ever seen. A few years ago we had a new neighbor move in. They have a pit bull as their pet. The pit bull was extremely aggressive towards many of the neighbors, mailmen and UPS drivers, actually biting the mailman one day. A report was made which caused the neighbor to have to build a dog pen for this dog...made us neighbors extremely happy!!

The neighbor decided to walk the dog on a regular basis for exercise which is understandable. He would walk the dog in the utility alley behind all the homes, ours included. As the daughter was walking the pit bull that day, Anney was at our fence. I don't know what came over Anney but evidently she felt threatened and attacked the pit bull, wrestling her way through the gate. I ran screaming out there and rescued Anney from that dog. Also rescuing the daughter from being in the middle of something ugly!!

Anney didn't get hurt (uh how could she beat that pit bull up anyway)..thankfully. I had visions of the pit grabbing her by the throat and killing her!!!! I was unnerved to say the least!

Ever since that incident, Anney goes bersek after that dog when it's walked in the alley.

So I was thinking about all this.....Anney is protecting what is hers..this yard, her family from a threat...the enemy. Just like we need to protect our family, our property, our livelihood from the enemy too...the devil. The devil walks "innocently" by appearing to non threatening in our lives. We can't open the gate to let him in through habits, desires, wants, ways of living that is not pleasing to the Lord. We must keep guard at all times.

And there are times when we need to be aggressive and fight against him so he won't want to come back for awhile.

Lord let me be as aggressive as Anney is with this pit bull dog....let me have the boldness and the wisdom to recognize when I need to fight the good fight. Open my eyes to plans of the devil and with Your help defeat him so he won't get a foothold in my life!!

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